Tag: Climate Justice

What Funders Can Do In the Wake of Berta Caceres’ Murder

Update: Investors who had been supporting the Agua Zarca dam project withdrew funding in June 2017 after international outrage and pressure to pull out of the project as a result of Berta’s murder. Find out more here.  By Eva Rehse, Director for UK/Europe, Global Greengrants Fund UK Berta Caceres was assassinated on March 3, 2016. Since […]

#WomenAndClimate Wins the 2016 Wilmer Shields Award for Excellence in Communications

  Exciting news! Our #WomenAndClimate Communications Program has been awarded the Council on Foundations’ 2016 Wilmer Shields Rich Award for Excellence in Communications! The program crystallizes the inextricable link between women and climate change, amplifies voices of grassroots change makers, and builds funders’ capacity to support grassroots women’s action. “Thank you to the Council on […]

A Mayan Village Stands Up to Big Oil in Belize

By Gary Wockner (@garywockner) Andres Coy’s face is lined, his skin the color of the muddy Temash River we just crossed. “There’s no money that can fix the river—you can’t buy back the river.” He says it with the authority he carries as the Mayan spiritual leader, the “Alcalde,” in this Belizean village. Like everywhere […]

The Failures of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and How Philanthropy Can Fix Them

By Terry Odendahl I spent 10 days in Paris at COP21 helping organize, participate in, and lead events and demonstrations. The final climate agreement, supported by more than 190 signatory countries, is an important milestone. But it’s also something like the world taking the first step in a 12-step program, where we finally admit we have a problem. In fact, the […]

COP21 Agreed To A Climate-Changed World

By Nnimmo Bassey (@NnimmoB), Global Greengrants Fund Board Chair and Director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation The Paris climate talks have come and gone, and like most other COPs before it, the response has been varied. Some have applauded the Paris Agreement as a giant step for humankind. Some are claiming a big win. […]

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