Tag: Climate Justice

Greengrants Grantees Win 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize

Global Greengrants Fund is pleased to congratulate the recipients of this year’s Goldman Environmental Prize – including Greengrants grantees Olga Speranskaya, Marc Ona Essangui, Wanze Eduards, and Hugo Jabini. The winners of the 2009 prize are being honored.

Proposed Dam on the Mekong Threatens Livelihoods

  The Mekong River is one of the world’s richest areas of biodiversity as well as an important livelihood source for millions of people in the Southeast Asian region. A proposed hydro-electric mega-dam in southern Laos poses a significant risk to the river’s huge number of fish species, and would wreak havoc on normal migration […]

Secrets for Success from China’s top Green Heroes

According to Greengrants’ China Advisory Board Coordinator, “The new generation of Chinese youth activists is using the media to become more empowered and more effective. [Young people] use this new media to publicize, to network, to get connected with people.”

Success in Protecting Bahamian Coast!

After years of work by environmental groups, the Bahamian government has finally established a Marine Protected Area off of North Bimini Island. This designation will mean strict new environmental standards, which will help protect delicate ecosystems.

Energy Justice (Conference Call Recording)

Last month, Greengrants hosted a conference call on Energy Justice, which explored how large-scale energy development projects are affecting communities around the world.

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