Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Global Greengrants Fund Spotlighted in New Grantmaking Resource

For 25 years, Global Greengrants Fund has awarded funding to grassroots-level organizations around the world utilizing a process and model that is the opposite of most funders. Tapping into a network of global advisors – experts with connections on the ground – to source groups, Global Greengrants Fund finds activists on the frontlines, working from […]

Look to the Frontlines to Save the Planet from Climate Change

On Monday, October 8, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a U.N. – sponsored group of the world’s top scientists, released a much-anticipated report on our warming world. And the verdict? We only have 12 years left – at the most – to change our habits, halt the steadily increasing temperatures and avert a global […]

Three Reasons Indigenous Peoples are Essential in the Fight Against Climate Change

Governments and corporations spend trillions of dollars in support of mining operations, oil development, hydroelectric dams, and other large-scale projects that threaten the environment, access to clean water, and land treasured by local people.  Policies of resource extraction, land grabbing, and privatization have put basic human rights to life-giving resources at great risk and led to unprecedented […]

Reforesting a Brighter Future in Zimbabwe

Words by Jodie Stempel, GGF UK Intern. Meet Shamiso Mupara: local activist with a vision for change for her village in Zimbabwe. Shamiso and her family grew up in Marange, an area affected by large-scale diamond operations. The village has experienced many political and environmental consequences as a result of diamond mining – including polluted water […]

VICTORY: Canadian Court Overturns Approval of Kinder Morgan Pipeline

On August 30, 2018, the Canadian Court of Appeal overturned the approval of the highly controversial Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, siding unanimously with indigenous groups who have been fighting the project for years. Citing the government’s failure to consult with First Nations communities, the Court ruled to stop the expansion projects indefinitely. The decision […]

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