Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Standing Up to Hazardous Waste Dumping in South Africa

Words by Liziwe McDaid, Coordinator of the Southern Africa Advisory Board, and Allison Davis, Deputy Director of Programs Noxious fumes, contaminated water, sick children. For residents of the KwaZulu Natal Province of Durban, South Africa, the above are a regular part of daily life. Liquid that seeps through an industrial landfill near their homes produces […]

Our Changing Arctic: Indigenous Leaders on Life on the Front Lines of Climate Change

The Arctic Ocean and its seas are among the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems, facing multiple threats from climate change, increased commercial shipping and fishing, and expanded offshore drilling. These activities decimate the precious Arctic environment, and impact the whales, polar bears, seals, bird species, and fish who live there. They also threaten the existence of […]

The Quiet Dehumanization of the Canadian First Nations People

Words and Photos by Dana Dallavalle, Donor Relationship Manager When will there be a campaign to bring back the Canadian First Nations people, just as they have done for the wolves and the moose? Recently, I spent a long weekend at the Bioneers Conference in California, where Global Greengrants Fund grantee Judy Da Silva spoke about […]

Deconstructing Jargon: Capacity Building and Awareness Raising in Burkina Faso

Photos and words by Robert Riker, Grants Associate If you Google the phrases capacity building and awareness raising, you’ll be hard pressed to find a universally accepted definition—or any definition at all. I see these two phrases all the time in grant proposals at Global Greengrants,but even I’ve struggled to understand the full meaning of […]

Three Ways our Grantees Are Ensuring Food Security on World Food Day

World Food Day is on Sunday, October 16, and this year’s theme is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Food security is one of the biggest climate change related issues facing people around the world today. Farmers, fisherfolk, and pastoralists are among those hit hardest by rising temperatures and increasingly frequent weather-related disasters. […]

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