Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

What’s next for Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park?

The fate of Yasuní National Park hangs in the balance. On August 15, Ecuador’s government announced it would allow foreign oil companies to start drilling in the northeastern part of this Amazonian rainforest. Global Greengrants weighs in on the future of the most biodiverse place on Earth.

Niger Delta community wins landmark ruling against Shell

A Dutch court ruled on January 30 that Royal Dutch Shell is responsible for a series of spills that devastated a Nigerian community. The milestone ruling sets a precedent that multinational climate polluters can be held accountable for environmental damage they cause in impoverished, resource-rich countries like Nigeria.

Grassroots activism’s unsung role in saving Indonesia’s rainforest

In a major step forward for global climate and human rights, paper giant Asia Pulp & Paper has promised to stop bulldozing Indonesia’s rainforests. But in attributing APP’s new policy solely to market pressure, U.S. media have glaringly omitted the role grassroots activists have and will continue to play in holding APP accountable for its environmental and human rights record.

China Bans Deadly Herbicide Paraquat

Several years ago, Sun Jing and other members of the Pesticide Eco-Alternatives Center in China learned that local farmers were mysteriously falling ill and dying. They suspected this had something to do with an herbicide called paraquat that farmers were using. The farmers had no idea what a deadly chemical they were handling every day. There was little research and no warning label.

How Ecuador’s Sarayaku People Kept Big Oil Out

Some 1,200 indigenous people make up the Sarayaku community in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 1996, the Ecuadorian government allowed a foreign company to begin prospecting their lands for oil. The government never consulted the local people. >>Keep reading.

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