Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Protecting Marine Turtles in Papua New Guinea

The Leatherback Turtle is listed as endangered, but one Global Greengrants Fund grantee has found a way to curb its declining numbers.

In the Pacific: Picking up the Pieces after Devastating Tsunami

Global Greengrants grantee Aleipata Marine Protected Area Society is working with local communities in cleanup efforts after the Samoa tsunami of 2009.

Papua New Guinea’s Indigenous Groups Fight Deforestation

Deforestation has been quietly going on for years in PNG, but with the help of a Global Greengrants grantee, indigenous groups are protecting their forests from logging. The battle is ongoing, and your support is still needed!

Mining Company Sued for Torture: Historic Victory in Peru

Peruvian protesters come out victorious in a torture case against an English mining company with the help of a Global Greengrants grantee.

Grantee’s Film Featured in International Online Film Festival

The film Blue Gold changed the course of a proposed mining project in British Columbia. Now you can celebrate this production by watching and voting for it in the Green Unplugged online film festival.

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