Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

A Tribute to a Brilliant Activist: Remembering Glenn Switkes

Glenn Switkes, a longtime ally of Global Greengrants Fund and estimable activist, passed away last month. Glenn was passionately committed to defending the Amazon rainforest, rivers, and indigenous peoples, and is remembered fondly as “a river warrior with unbreakable passion.”

Rockefeller Brothers Fund Highlights Greengrants

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) and Greengrants have partnered together for the past four years to support key environmental health projects in Southern China.

Former Greengrants Intern Exposes Injustice in West Africa

The oil pipeline that runs from Chad through Cameroon in western Africa was supposed to contribute to poverty reduction in local villages. Instead, after six years of pumping oil to be exported abroad, the pipeline has only led to increased poverty, displacement, and environmental contamination.

Aveda Blogs about Trip to India and Meetings with Greengrants’ Grantees

Greengrants’ partner, Aveda, recently took a number of employees on a once-in-a-lifetime rewards trip to India to celebrate the top fundraisers in their annual Earth Month campaign, raising funds and awareness around access to clean water globally.

Food or Fuel: The Biofuel Conflict in Africa

Thousands of acres of arable land in Tanzania are being re-allocated for biofuel production. As the price of oil has fluctuated, demand for biofuels has grown intensely, leading the government to strike deals with biofuels investors, ultimately upsetting the balance between land for food and land for fuel.

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