Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Update: China Earthquake Support

GreenSOS, a long time Greengrants grantee in China, outlines their recent work to provide support to communities affected by the May 12, 2008, Earthquake in China.

Chilean Volcano Could Delay Hidroaysen Dam Project

A couple of short articles that discuss recent happenings in relation to the transmission lines that would ferry power from southern Chile up to Santiago—part of the Pascua/Baker megadam project.

Thinking Locally and Acting Globally: A view into Greengrants Global Advisor, Pesticide Action Network

As a maker of small grants around the world, it is often a challenge for us to gauge the full extent to which our grants have impact. The most obvious effects are, of course, those observed at the grassroots level. But part of our hope, and indeed our mis

Small Ugandan NGO Has Far-Reaching Goals

AFIEGO takes on Uganda’s energy crisis from the grassroots up.

China’s Emerging Environmental Movement

Article featuring Green Camel Bell, Greengrants Grantee in China who has been receiving grants since 2004.

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