Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Inside the Battle to Protect Peru’s Coastline

Under the billowing gray clouds a few hours outside of Lima, Peru sits a coastal community called Chancay. Formerly a pre-Colombian architectural civilization, Chancay has transformed into a modernized port town as a result of sweeping urbanization from Lima. The Santa Rosa wetland, located along the coast of Chancay, is a powerful example of the […]

Food Sovereignty: Key to Resilience, Dignity, and the Fight Against Climate Change

Our relationship with food ties us directly to our landscapes. Humanity depends on the planet to provide for our survival. But today’s dominant model of food production and agriculture has created a rift in this symbiosis: Mostly defined by industrialisation, corporatisation and specialisation, it has come at the expense of more holistic models that support […]

Behind the Scenes: Promoting Healthy Food Systems in Croatia

Words by Natalija Svrtan, President of Zemljane Staze (Earth Trek) The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light the importance of maintaining health and boosting the body’s immune system. Similarly, the pandemic has demonstrated how fragile the global food supply system can be in times of crisis. With closed borders, the residents of many countries worldwide […]

Five Ways Environmental Activists are Responding to COVID-19

Across the world, our grantees are acting today for a brighter tomorrow. At Global Greengrants Fund, we trust the instincts of local people. The current pandemic is no different, and we continue to give money to communities and individuals to be used in the ways they deem fit. In response to COVID-19, our grantees are […]

Fostering Resilience in Times of Crisis: Lessons from the Grassroots

Over the last few months, likely each and every one of us has felt pushed to the limits of our abilities to cope with the current global situation. Even for those of us for whom lockdown is no more than an inconvenience, this moment has undoubtedly led to more self-reflection, and an appreciation of the […]

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