Tag: Healthy Communities and Ecosystems

Activism Around the World: Highlights from February 2020

We’re bringing back an old favorite, grant stories of the month! Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we are committed to supporting grassroots activists in their efforts to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. With over 1,000 grants awarded each year, there’s never a shortage of stories that inspire us. Read […]

Over £1 Million Raised by The Guardian for Tree Charities

The Amazon rainforest, one of the most biodiverse places on earth, plays an essential role in protecting the planet from harmful greenhouse gas emissions and rising temperatures. At Global Greengrants Fund, we invest in defenders of the Amazon – Indigenous Peoples, farmers, and local communities who depend on the forest for survival and aim to […]

Eggs and Tofu Contaminated by Burned Plastic in Indonesia

An article recently published in The New York Times discussed a report that found that burning plastic for fuel is poisoning residents in East Java, Indonesia and contaminating eggs and tofu produced by local businesses. Two Global Greengrants Fund grantees, Arnika and the International Pollutants Elimination Network, helped to produce the study, which found high […]

VICTORY: Financing Dropped for Belgrade Waste Incinerator

Words by Pippa Gallop. Pippa is a research coordinator at CEE Bankwatch Network, the largest network of grassroots, environmental and human rights groups in central and eastern Europe. Based in Croatia, she specializes in monitoring coal and hydropower in the Western Balkans. In a recent win for activists in Belgrade, Serbia, the European Investment Bank […]

Meet Three Grantees Seeding Sustainable Agriculture

We all need to eat. Yet, as the global population grows, our current agricultural system impacts more than just access to food. In fact, agriculture plays a critical role in protecting – and sometimes hurting – our planet. It is estimated that the current food system is responsible for 30-50% of global greenhouse gas emissions. […]

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