Tag: Latin America

What’s next for Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park?

The fate of Yasuní National Park hangs in the balance. On August 15, Ecuador’s government announced it would allow foreign oil companies to start drilling in the northeastern part of this Amazonian rainforest. Global Greengrants weighs in on the future of the most biodiverse place on Earth.

How Ecuador’s Sarayaku People Kept Big Oil Out

Some 1,200 indigenous people make up the Sarayaku community in the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 1996, the Ecuadorian government allowed a foreign company to begin prospecting their lands for oil. The government never consulted the local people. >>Keep reading.

Honduras: Building Resilience Against Climate Disasters

When Hurricane Felix struck the Moskitia coast of Central America in 2007, flooding and mudslides devastated the region. With a $3,000 grant, a local women’s group created three seed banks to safeguard subsistence farmers from the risks of losing everything again.

Can the grassroots affect high-level negotiations? Reflections from Rio+20

A clash of worldviews came together in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for a week under the umbrella of Rio+20 summit. While many deemed it a failure before it began, hope emerged from the grassroots organizations and indigenous peoples that blazoned their unwavering commitment to our planet and future generations.

Tragic Week in Paraguay

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has just been removed from office by Congress. It started with the massacre of landless peasants in Curuguaty on June 15th. This is a first-hand account explaining the chain of events that have shaken the country from the Curuguaty deaths to Lugo’s overthrow.

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