Tag: Latin America

Bolivian Climate Conference Opens Doors for Grassroots Voices

This ‘People’s’ Conference provides an opportunity to put civil society back into climate negotiations. Its outcomes—informed by representatives of indigenous peoples, rural villages, and coastal communities—will be powerful forces in re-shaping the climate change policy debate into one focused on the lives and lands at stake in a rapidly changing world.

Maria’s Undreaded Challenge

Maria Hadjimichael was deeply affected by the recent earthquake and subsequent tsunamis that devastated communities in central Chile. She had visited some of the communities during her dissertation research for her Master’s and, after the disaster struck, she decided to take action to help the shattered towns she had come to love. As a fundraiser […]

Support Grassroots Recovery Efforts in Chile – Donate to the Chilean Disaster Recovery Fund!

Coastal communities in central Chile have been devastated by tsunamis caused by the February 27 earthquake. Our South American advisors have asked Greengrants to raise money for these remote communities to support their recovery from this tragic disaster.

2009 Wrap-Up: Celebrating Achievements on the Global Front

In our sixteenth year of supporting grassroots environmental groups around the world, Global Greengrants Fund is proud to look back on 2009 as a year of landmark victories and worldwide recognition for the work of our grantees.

A Tribute to a Brilliant Activist: Remembering Glenn Switkes

Glenn Switkes, a longtime ally of Global Greengrants Fund and estimable activist, passed away last month. Glenn was passionately committed to defending the Amazon rainforest, rivers, and indigenous peoples, and is remembered fondly as “a river warrior with unbreakable passion.”

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