Tag: Latin America

Greengrants’ Grantee Named to the TIME 100 List

  For nearly 20 years, TIME Magazine has been compiling and sharing a list of the year’s 100 most influential people. In creating the 2020 list, TIME acknowledged the fact that 2020 has been a year of multiple crises taking place across the world, all at once. Therefore, the 2020 list includes the heads of […]

Inside the Battle to Protect Peru’s Coastline

Under the billowing gray clouds a few hours outside of Lima, Peru sits a coastal community called Chancay. Formerly a pre-Colombian architectural civilization, Chancay has transformed into a modernized port town as a result of sweeping urbanization from Lima. The Santa Rosa wetland, located along the coast of Chancay, is a powerful example of the […]

Action on Climate Change: The Power of Collaboration

The threat of climate change worldwide is growing, and women are impacted uniquely and disproportionately. To elevate their voices, mobilize resources to female frontline activists, and enact change now, we need collaboration across sectors. In other words, a new kind of partnership. Meet the Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action, GAGGA for short. GAGGA […]

Five Ways Environmental Activists are Responding to COVID-19

Across the world, our grantees are acting today for a brighter tomorrow. At Global Greengrants Fund, we trust the instincts of local people. The current pandemic is no different, and we continue to give money to communities and individuals to be used in the ways they deem fit. In response to COVID-19, our grantees are […]

Dispatch from the Peruvian Amazon: The Impacts of COVID-19

Last week, we spoke with Yaizha Campanario, a volunteer advisor who recommends grants for Global Greengrants Fund in Peru. Yaizha gave us an update on the challenges Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon are facing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The biggest concern is keeping the pandemic from spreading to remote Indigenous communities in […]

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