Tag: Latin America

The Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure (IIRSA)

When twelve South American nations embark on a region-wide infrastructure development program — which contemplates 355 projects at a cost of $37 billion dollars — it makes sense that the citizens of the participating nations would be included in the decision-making process. Or not, apparently. According to representatives of civil society groups, governments are displaying […]

Barra Grande: “The Hydroelectric Dam that Ignored the Forest”

Dams happen. Sometimes, the best that environmental groups can do is to ameliorate a dam’s impact on the people and environment of the area, and to make sure that the next project will have a full and fair environmental review. Those are exactly the accomplishments of the The Movement of Dam-Affected People (MAB) and APREMAVI (Associação de […]

The Alliance Funds are Making Their Mark

In Brazil and Southeast Asia, advisors for Global Greengrants Fund have been pioneering the creation of local environmental grantmaking organizations for grassroots and community action.

Southern Cone Advisory Board Launched

In December of 2005, Greengrants celebrated the fruition of several years of planning with the first meeting of the new Southern Cone Advisory Board.

New York Times Explores the Real Cost of Gold

A recent New York Times series explored the environmental and other costs of gold mining around the world.

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