Tag: Latin America

Turn Back the Dial: Community Radio and Water in Oaxaca, Mexico

dial back To lessen something, especially in intensity “To dial back the impacts of climate change, our grantees in Pinotepa, Mexico started a community radio program!” Water and climate change are inextricably linked. Humans need water to survive, yet rising global temperatures and a changing climate threaten access to clean water, increase the likelihood of […]

Activism Around the World: Highlights from February 2020

By Julia Woods, Communications Specialist We’re bringing back an old favorite, grant stories of the month! Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we are committed to supporting grassroots activists in their efforts to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. With over 1,000 grants awarded each year, there’s never a shortage of […]

Inside the Movement to Protect Chilean Rivers

In an op-ed recently published in The New York Times, the authors, members of the Greengrants family, state, “If we are to arrest global climate change, prevent the toxifying of freshwater sources and do right by all those who depend on rivers for survival, we must return more rivers to their natural state.” The authors […]

Over £1 Million Raised by The Guardian for Tree Charities

The Amazon rainforest, one of the most biodiverse places on earth, plays an essential role in protecting the planet from harmful greenhouse gas emissions and rising temperatures. At Global Greengrants Fund, we invest in defenders of the Amazon – Indigenous Peoples, farmers, and local communities who depend on the forest for survival and aim to […]

The Power of Grassroots Movements: Three Wins from 2019

In 2019, we saw the power of grassroots movements growing around the world, helping to rewrite the future of climate change. Across continents these movements – led by women, Indigenous activists, and people like you – are working to challenge the status quo, hold governments and policymakers accountable, and drive change from the bottom up […]

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