Tag: Local Livelihoods

Farmers of the future: why mentoring youth and girls is key to strengthening India’s food security

Words and photos by Rucha Chitnis Researchers predict that in a decade or so, India’s population will surpass that of China. Meanwhile, according to this report, India is also losing 2,000 farmers every day to climate change, farmer suicides, and development of prime agricultural land into mega real estate and industrial projects. Given that India […]

Borneo’s Baram Dam moratorium: victory or election-year stunt?

Over the last few months, the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Adenan Satem, has said that he has issued a “moratorium” on the massive proposed Baram Dam on the Baram River. Sarawak is a Malaysian state on the island of Borneo that is threatened by multiple massive hydro-electric dams called the SCORE project. While some local […]

Six grantees win the 2015 Equator Prize

Photo of Mary Robinson and 2014 Equator Prizewinner Alicia Cahuilla Congratulations to this year’s Equator Prize winners! Last week, the United Nations Development Programme announced the 20 outstanding grassroots groups that won the prize for their work to advance sustainable development for people, nature, and resilient communities. We are thrilled that six current and former […]

China’s water problem: the grassroots road to accountability

By Julie Dugdale Rampant water pollution isn’t breaking news in China. It’s a way of life. The images are no longer shocking: children swimming in garbage-choked lakes; waterways congested by bloated, poisoned fish rotting at the surface; industrial pipes openly spewing torrents of chemical waste into rivers and reservoirs. China’s Pollution Status Quo The numbers […]

Sending support to Kenya’s Athi River

  The Athi River is Kenya’s second longest waterway and one of its most endangered. Violet Matiru knows grassroots grants can help. A grant advisor in East Africa, Violet is strategically directing Greengrants to riverside communities. Her goal: to support the health of the entire river basin, one community at a time. “Once we can […]

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