Tag: Local Livelihoods

Afro-Colombians campaign against aerial fumigation – and win

By Carley St. Clair For 21 years, the drone of low-flying planes has been omnipresent throughout the state of Cauca, Colombia. Otherwise healthy people have had troubling breathing, babies have been born with birth defects, women have had miscarriage after miscarriage, crops have died mysteriously, and individual rights have been continually disrespected. These planes have […]

Aftermath of Cyclone Pam: report from Vanuatu

Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu three weeks ago…and destroyed entire villages on the island of Erromango. About 10,000 people live on Erromango, the third largest island in Vanuatu. Because it is so sparsely populated, it is not high on the radar of big relief agencies. But overharvesting of sandlewood and extensive cattle and pig cultivation have […]

We Can’t Hold Back the Sea: A Woman’s Story of Climate Survival

Ursula Rakova’s island is disappearing into the sea. How will her community survive in the face of climate change? This is their story.

Shell oil to pay $84M for pollution in the Niger Delta

Shell has agreed to pay $84 million for two oil spills in the Niger Delta community of Bodo. A step in the right direction or a paltry sum in comparison with the devastation big oil is wreaking? It’s both.

Accidental Democracy in Brazil: How the 2014 World Cup Led to an Empowered Citizenry

Everyone in Brazil wanted the World Cup—we thought it would leave benefits. But FIFA is like a big, multinational company that comes and sucks away everything. The effect has been devastating, but some good has come of it all, also…

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