Tag: Local Livelihoods

Challenging Monoculture in Brazil: COVID-19 Sparks Return to Traditional Cassava

Words by Eduardo Alfredo Moraes Guimarães of The Institute for Human and Integrated Development (ITC), an organization supported by CASA Socio-Environmental Fund (CASA). CASA is Global Greengrants Fund’s grantmaking arm in Brazil. It is a revolutionary act to oppose the monoculture of colonial export agriculture and, at the same time, to revitalize traditional crops such […]

5 Ways Environmental Activists Show Love for the Planet

At Global Greengrants Fund, we believe that the best solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from those most impacted. That’s why we invest in the people who eat from the land, who drink the water, and who want to see a better life for their children and generations to come. We are inspired […]

VICTORY: Another Step Towards Justice in Nigeria

Dutch court sentences Shell Nigeria to compensate local farmers 15 years after oil spills For over 50 years, Shell Oil has recklessly spilled millions of liters of oil in the Niger Delta. Oil has spilled into the waterways, contaminating vital rivers, destroying fertile farmland, and affecting the health and livelihoods of local farmers and fisherfolk. […]

10 Podcasts to Pass the Time

Tune into these environmental and social justice podcasts By Julia Woods, Communications Specialist Going on a road trip? Have some time to kill? What better time to educate yourself on some of the most pressing environmental and social justice issues of our time. Read on for ten podcasts we’re loving right now. And if movies […]

Food Security, Youth Activism, and Climate Resilience in Uganda

Meet Sarah Akiteng from Uganda, East Africa. Sarah is the mother of two and a climate champion in her village, Anyangabella, in the Katakwi District, one of the flood-prone areas of Uganda. Sarah and other young women living in the climate hotspots of Uganda are seeking to better understand the dynamics of food security in […]

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