Tag: Local Livelihoods

Reclaiming and Preserving the Knowledge of Local Traditional Foods

Despite the islands of Micronesia being home to a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, local foods and crops have widely been displaced over the last three decades. As a result of islandersí growing dependence on imports such as rice and sugar, and the erosion of knowledge about local plants and their nutritional value, Micronesia […]

Big, Bad Hydro

In this Forbes Magazine article on the problems of hydro power, Peter Hartmann of Comité Nacional Pro Defensa de La Fauna y Flora (CODEFF) a Greengrants grantee, is featured. CODEFF has received nearly $15,000 in grants since 2005 on the Patagonia dam issue.

Protecting Displaced Slum Populations in India

Since May 2006, more than 150 slums in Delhi, India have been demolished under government pretenses of transforming India’s capital into a clean and more cosmopolitan ‘world city’. Home to the city’s laborers and working class, slum colonies have come under increasing attack by politicians and more elite residents who criticize the specter of poverty […]

Protecting Displaced Slum Populations

Since May 2006, more than 150 slums in Delhi, India have been demolished under government pretenses of transforming India’s capital into a clean and more cosmopolitan world city. Learn about our grantee the Hazards Centre.

Oil and Indigenous Peoples—Peru

In this Washington Post article about Oil and Indigenous Peoples in Peru, several Greengrants grantees—Shinai, the Achuar (FECONACO), and Racimos de Ungurahui—are mentioned as well as our own deputy program director, Peter Kostishack.

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