Tag: Local Livelihoods

Update: China Earthquake Support

GreenSOS, a long time Greengrants grantee in China, outlines their recent work to provide support to communities affected by the May 12, 2008, Earthquake in China.

World Bank Abandons Oil Pipeline—Chad-Cameroon

The World Bank’s request amounts to an admission of failure in one of its most controversial and disastrous projects—once touted as a “model” for high-risk projects—after the Chadian government repeatedly misused its newfound oil wealth.

Interview with Cedric Schuster, Coordinator of Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board

Cedric Schuster is the Coordinator of Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board and works as an environmental consultant in Samoa. Cedric recently visited our Boulder, Colorado office and shared his thoughts with us about challenges in the Pacific Islands.

Reclaiming and Preserving the Knowledge of Local Traditional Foods

Despite the islands of Micronesia being home to a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, local foods and crops have widely been displaced over the last three decades. As a result of islandersí growing dependence on imports such as rice and sugar, and the erosion of knowledge about local plants and their nutritional value, Micronesia […]

Big, Bad Hydro

In this Forbes Magazine article on the problems of hydro power, Peter Hartmann of Comité Nacional Pro Defensa de La Fauna y Flora (CODEFF) a Greengrants grantee, is featured. CODEFF has received nearly $15,000 in grants since 2005 on the Patagonia dam issue.

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