Tag: Local Livelihoods

Peruvian Activist Father Arana is Threatened for Work against Mine

Father Arana of GRUFIDES, a grassroots group in Peru working on issues of extractive mining impacts, has been threatened by masked men and followed a mining company vehicle from the Yanacocha Mine, owned by Newmont Mining Corporation.

Focus on Climate Change at the Grassroots Level

Since 2000, Greengrants has given well over $1 million dollars to hundreds of organizations working on climate change in every corner of the globe.

Climate Change: Alternative Energy Promotion

Many of our grantees are in locations where there is little inclination to switch from outdated, dirty fossil fuel generators to cleaner, alternative energy sources. In addition to raising awareness of the benefits of alternative energy, several grantees have also been instrumental in creating demonstration and experimental alternative wind and solar energy systems.

La Oroya, Peru: Workers Unite

La Oroya, Peru is home to the Doe Run smelter and is one of the world’s most contaminated cities. Thanks to community organizing efforts, the workers’ union has gone on strike to protest the mining company’s lack of transparency and accountability.

Africa: Former Grantee and Advisor Talks about Oil

The Guardian recently published an article by Korinna Horta and Delphine Djiraibe about the Chad-Cameroon pipeline and the impacts it has on local people.

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