Tag: Local Livelihoods

Papua New Guinea: Helping Forest Communities Protect Lands from Illegal Logging

    by Brock McCarty, Greengrants Intern The rain forests of Papua New Guinea (PNG) are considered to be among the world’s richest in biological diversity. An estimated 700 distinct languages are spoken by its people, and 97 percent of its land is held in customary ownership by clans or kinship groups rather than individuals […]

Chet Wins Scrivner Award!

Greengrants executive director Chet Tchozewski wins award for creative philanthropy.

Peru: Indigenous Machiguenga People Work to Influence Camisea Pipeline

The Machiguenga people of Peru share the Urubamba River basin with the Nahua, Yine, Kugapakori, and other indigenous peoples. They also now share their lands with a consortium of companies that have arrived to extract natural gas and build the Camisea Pipeline, which will carry natural gas across some of the most remote, sensitive, and biologically rich lands in Peru.

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