Tag: Local Livelihoods

Activism Around the World: Highlights from February 2020

By Julia Woods, Communications Specialist We’re bringing back an old favorite, grant stories of the month! Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we are committed to supporting grassroots activists in their efforts to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. With over 1,000 grants awarded each year, there’s never a shortage of […]

Meet Three Grantees Seeding Sustainable Agriculture

We all need to eat. Yet, as the global population grows, our current agricultural system impacts more than just access to food. In fact, agriculture plays a critical role in protecting – and sometimes hurting – our planet. It is estimated that the current food system is responsible for 30-50% of global greenhouse gas emissions. […]

How Our Grantees Turned an Invasive Species into Sustainable Fashion

By Julia Woods, Communications Specialist In the Philippines, wetlands play a critical role in water storage and filtration, as well as mitigating the impacts of flooding in nearby communities. However, the proliferation of wildly invasive water hyacinths from Brazil has thrown these ecosystems out of balance. The thick mats formed by the aquatic plants reduce […]

13 Picture Books Your Kids Should Read This Summer

When Greta Thunberg refused to go to school last August, demanding that the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement, a spark of youth climate activism ignited across the globe. From Europe to Africa, and Asia to North America, school-aged children ditched school and took to the streets adorned in […]

Divers in Honduras: The Struggle for Disability Rights and Environmental Justice

Words by Ibis Colindres and Yolanda Muñoz People with disabilities are uniquely affected by the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. And yet, they are routinely left out of efforts to protect rights to a clean and healthy environment. Global Greengrants Fund, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation, is seeding initiatives that recognize the […]

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