Tag: Local Livelihoods

Our Changing Arctic: Indigenous Leaders on Life on the Front Lines of Climate Change

The Arctic Ocean and its seas are among the world’s most vulnerable ecosystems, facing multiple threats from climate change, increased commercial shipping and fishing, and expanded offshore drilling. These activities decimate the precious Arctic environment, and impact the whales, polar bears, seals, bird species, and fish who live there. They also threaten the existence of […]

From the Front Lines: Bettina Cruz and Indigenous Land Rights in Mexico

By Alex Grossman, Digital Marketing Specialist “For us, the wind isn’t just a resource, it’s part of our life from nature that shouldn’t be sold,” says indigenous activist Bettina Cruz. Last Thursday, October 6, Global Greengrants Fund and Global Fund for Women co-hosted a lunch event at the Posner Center for International Development in Denver, […]

Changing the Face of Rural Tanzania: Ecological Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Future

Kilimanjaro. The highest peak on the African continent is a place of breathtaking beauty that ascends through a variety of climates and ecosystems to over 19,000 feet of elevation. As I landed in Tanzania in early September, I was one of few people on the plane who was not preparing for the strenuous climb up […]

How Small Grants Can Make a Big Impact: Taking on Mining in Western Ghana

In 2004, local farmers in western Ghana didn’t exactly welcome an incoming gold mine with open arms, but they didn’t resist when Canadian company Kinross Mining offered them financial compensation in exchange for building the mine on their lands. But three years later, the farmers learned they had been swindled. By then, the underground and […]

4 Grassroots Wins Amid the Chaos of the 2016 Rio Olympics

Just four days before the 2016 Summer Olympics are to kick off in Rio, injustice and corruption in Brazil seems to have gone from bad to worse to horrendous. Government kickbacks. The systematic eviction of families from the city’s favelas, or slums, which are home to 1 in 7 people. And billions of dollars in […]

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