Tag: North America

Recovering from the Gulf Oil Spill: An Opportunity to Learn from Global Movements

As I watch the oil gush from the underwater well, I am struck by the breadth and the depth of its toll on Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems, and by the impotence of those with the responsibility and resources to do something about it. Even more frustrating is that it’s a story I’ve heard many times before.

Donor Profile: Jordan Ofek

Thirteen year-old Jordan Ofek decided he didn’t need gifts for his bar mitzvah. Instead, he asked friends and family to make gifts to Greengrants, and has now raised thousands of dollars to support communities across the globe.

Native American Grantee Wins Battle over Mining Permit!

In a landmark victory for the Navajo and Hopi people of Black Mesa, Arizona, a coal mining permit for their lands was revoked this month.

Victory for Indigenous Peoples in Canada!

After a long, hard fight against mining interests on their land, the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) indigenous community in northern Ontario has finally won its battle.

Ugandan Advisor Sophie Kutegeka Shares her Story

Last week, more than 50 of Greengrants’ advisors and colleagues met in Boulder, Colorado for our Global Advisor Retreat. Sophie Kutegeka, advisor on the East Africa Advisory Board, took some time to talk to us about why she believes in her work, and why we should be optimistic for the future.

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