Tag: North America

Water Defenders: The Face of Resistance

On June 20, 2019, members of Grassy Narrows First Nation marched through downtown Toronto demanding that the Canadian government uphold their promise to clean up the mercury contaminating the Wabigoon River. Between 1962 and 1970, a paper mill upstream from Grassy Narrows dumped 20,000 pounds of mercury into the river, and it’s estimated that today […]

25 Years, 25 Victories

As we launch into 2019, here at Global Greengrants Fund we are taking a minute to look back before we look into the future.   Together, with our global network, we have built one of the most effective grassroots movements to eradicate environmental harm and social injustice. In recognition of 25 years of grantmaking and […]

Three Reasons Indigenous Peoples are Essential in the Fight Against Climate Change

Governments and corporations spend trillions of dollars in support of mining operations, oil development, hydroelectric dams, and other large-scale projects that threaten the environment, access to clean water, and land treasured by local people.  Policies of resource extraction, land grabbing, and privatization have put basic human rights to life-giving resources at great risk and led to unprecedented […]

VICTORY: Canadian Court Overturns Approval of Kinder Morgan Pipeline

On August 30, 2018, the Canadian Court of Appeal overturned the approval of the highly controversial Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, siding unanimously with indigenous groups who have been fighting the project for years. Citing the government’s failure to consult with First Nations communities, the Court ruled to stop the expansion projects indefinitely. The decision […]

Canadian Government Nationalizes the Kinder Morgan Pipeline

On Tuesday, May 29th, the Canadian government announced that it will buy Kinder Morgan Canada’s Trans Mountain oil pipeline and expansion project, ensuring the future of its controversial construction. The C$4.5 billion dollar federal investment will effectively triple the amount of tar sands transported from Alberta to the British Colombia coast, threatening the health of […]

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