Tag: North America

From Durban to Denver: Acting Together for Environmental Justice

In September 2016, I traveled to Durban, South Africa to join grantmaking advisors working with Global Greengrants Fund around the world for several days of conversations about climate change, fossil fuels, the safety of environmental activists, and our ongoing work together. While joining hundreds of thousands of people at the Women’s March on Colorado, I was reminded […]

Taking on ExxonMobil Around the World

As former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson has his confirmation hearing today for Secretary of State, we want to spotlight some local groups Global Greengrants Fund has supported that are dealing with the company’s global mess of spills, the resulting health impacts, and environmental degradation. These groups provide us with hope that no matter who is […]

4 Grassroots Environmental Wins of 2016 – and 1 Miss

2016 was a big year for those standing up for the environment and human rights. Major victories were achieved, providing cause for celebration. There were also devastating failures, giving even more urgency to our efforts to protect the environment and the rights of local people who depend on it. Many of the stories below have […]

The Dakota Access Pipeline and the Struggle of Indigenous Communities Everywhere

By Alex Grossman, Digital Marketing Specialist UPDATE: On Sunday December 4, the Army Corps said it will not approve an easement necessary to permit the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. This is a monumental victory for those who have been standing in protest of the pipeline.  Headlines about the Standing Rock […]

Beyond the Vote: Tomorrow We Rise

Today, the phone calls from friends and family are starting to trickle in. My email is still quieter than usual. I am struggling to organize my thoughts. To paraphrase the novelist Attica Locke: “I am not crushed. I am awake.” I am awake to the fact that freedom, empathy, and equality are as important as they […]

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