Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

The Frontline Defenders of the Last Primeval Forest in Europe

“The half million acres of the Bialowieza Puszcza contain Europe’s last remaining fragment of old-growth, lowland wilderness. Think of the misty, brooding forest that loomed behind your eyelids when, as a child, someone read you the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales”. –Weisman, A. (2008). The world without us. London: Virgin Books. Situated between Poland and Belarus, […]

Canadian Government Nationalizes the Kinder Morgan Pipeline

By Julia Woods, Communications Specialist On Tuesday, May 29th, the Canadian government announced that it will buy Kinder Morgan Canada’s Trans Mountain oil pipeline and expansion project, ensuring the future of its controversial construction. The C$4.5 billion dollar federal investment will effectively triple the amount of tar sands transported from Alberta to the British Colombia […]

From Utopia to Eviction: The Zadists of Western France

How has one anarchist commune protected thousands of acres of land in France from environmental destruction? In 1965, the French government developed a plan to build a second airport in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes to serve the population of Western France. While the second, larger airport would encourage economic growth, the construction would also ultimately destroy 1,650 hectares […]

80 Heroes Who Make Our World a Better Place

Every single day, grassroots environmental heroes around the world are working tirelessly on the frontlines to safeguard their land, water, and resources. From organizing a community to dismantle illegal palm oil plantations in Indonesia, to standing up to one of the world’s largest mining corporations in Peru, their work is the flame that keeps the grassroots environmental movement ignited. However, […]

Meet Three Water Defenders Who Give Us Hope

Each day, we walk to our sinks, turn on the tap, and fill glasses with clean fresh water. We turn on our showers, wash our hair, and don’t question the origins of the droplets of water that make this ritual possible. Yet, around the world temperatures are peaking, sea levels are rising, and our atmosphere […]

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