Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras

For Immediate Release March 3, 2016 Global Greengrants Fund Contact: Katy Neusteter, 303-880-0634, katy@greengrants.org Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Assassinated in Honduras Global Greengrants mourns grantee and celebrated defender of indigenous and environmental rights, calls on international community to support environmental activists threatened for defending their rights and resources. Boulder, CO: Global Greengrants Fund is deeply […]

A Mayan Village Stands Up to Big Oil in Belize

By Gary Wockner (@garywockner) Andres Coy’s face is lined, his skin the color of the muddy Temash River we just crossed. “There’s no money that can fix the river—you can’t buy back the river.” He says it with the authority he carries as the Mayan spiritual leader, the “Alcalde,” in this Belizean village. Like everywhere […]

Protecting Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest

Thanks to a landmark conservation deal passed in Canada on February 1, 2016, 9.1 million acres of irreplaceable temperate forest in British Columbia is now protected. To put that in perspective, that’s half the size of Ireland. That’s over twice the size of Belize. That’s 9,100,000 football fields. The Great Bear Rainforest is home to […]

It’s Not Too Late: Protecting Papua New Guinea’s Oceans

“The sea was once filled with fish,” the elderly man told a gathering of indigenous community leaders from across Papua New Guinea’s Oro Bay. He was a grandfather from a local village where people depend on the ocean for their food. In his day, it had been easy. “You could catch very big fish, maybe […]

Droughts, Dams, and Development: East Africa Adapts to a Changing World

Interview by Ali Shlom How do villagers protect their livelihoods and communities when the land they have relied on for decades gets stripped away? That’s exactly what Justine Reed, Global Greengrants’ Vice President and Executive Director of Global Greengrants Fund / UK & Europe, went to Kenya to understand. What major issues are grantees in […]

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