Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Inside Chile’s “Patagonia Sin Represas” movement

Chilean environmentalists celebrate the country’s biggest environmental victory: “We always tried to maintain a positive ethical campaign that really showed alternatives. We didn’t say ‘no to dams.’ We said, ‘We want a Patagonia without dams.’ Read our Q&A with grantee in Chile, Peter Hartmann.

Defeating HidroAysén – Chile’s biggest environmental victory ever

This is the story of how a grassroots movement defeated the $8 billion HidroAysén dam project, and led to Chile’s biggest ever environmental win. Terry Odendahl writes about this incredible victory and Global Greengrants role.

Mama Aleta: one woman’s struggle to save Indonesia’s forests from mining

The riches hidden within Timor Island’s lush rainforests are extraordinary and problematic. Timor’s indigenous people consider the soil, water, stone, and trees their own bodies. But these fertile mountains are also rich in oil, gas, gold, and marble. This is the story of one woman leading a fight to save her people’s sacred lands.

Ecuador chooses oil over biodiversity, indigenous rights in Yasuní

On May 22, 2014, International Biodiversity Day, the government of Ecuador decided to celebrate by issuing permits to drill for oil in what is probably the most biodiverse place on Earth, Yasuní National Park. Keep reading>>

Last chance to save Ecuador’s Yasuní from oil exploitation

On October 3, 2013, the Ecuadorian government and parliament approved the exploitation of the protected area. Denouncing the decision as unconstitutional and vowing to reverse it, YASunidos embarked on the signature campaign to get the Yasuní issue on the ballot for a national referendum. Keep reading>>

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