Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Tragic Week in Paraguay

Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has just been removed from office by Congress. It started with the massacre of landless peasants in Curuguaty on June 15th. This is a first-hand account explaining the chain of events that have shaken the country from the Curuguaty deaths to Lugo’s overthrow.

What’s a Bund? Innovative water conservation in India

In rural India, small stone dams, known as bunds, help conserve soil and water and enable families to grow two crops of rice and chickpeas each planting season instead of one.

Local action for clean water, with the help of Aveda

Local groups can be the most powerful advocates for change, from protecting our rivers, lakes, and water tables to changing wasteful and polluting practices to improving access for poor and rural families.

Working Towards Water Justice

Millions live without the safe, accessible water they need for drinking and food production. Improving this reality is no easy task, and protecting and improving access to clean water requires a holistic approach. The answer: local action.

East Africa Drought: Local Action When the World Stalled

Last year East Africa suffered the worst drought in six decades. Millions were without food and lost their livelihoods. Christina Saiti Louwa and The El Molo Forum took action in their community to help.

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