Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Ask the Expert: Battling Mining on a Local Level

Communities in Ghana are uniting against the harmful impacts of mining operations. Our advisor explains what a difference their action is making.

The Abuse of Ogoniland

The Ogoni People of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria have suffered massive environmental injustice from oil activities for decades. Recent reports show the extent of those injustices go further than anyone could have imagined.

International Film Fest Sheds Light on Extractive Industries

Global Greengrants Fund grantees teamed up with Amnesty International chapters to organize a cutting-edge, international film fest in South America. The goal: to expose the harmful impacts of extractive industries on local communities.

Justice for the Tarahumara People

4,000 acres of indigenous land were illegally sold to developers in northern Mexico. With the help of a savvy grassroots group and a small grant, the indigenous community is seeking justice.

Papua New Guinea’s Indigenous Groups Fight Deforestation

Deforestation has been quietly going on for years in PNG, but with the help of a Global Greengrants grantee, indigenous groups are protecting their forests from logging. The battle is ongoing, and your support is still needed!

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