Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

World Water Day 2011: Get Involved!

Celebrate and raise awareness about one of our planet’s most precious resources. You can continue to support clean water throughout April with Earth Month, Aveda, and Global Greengrants Fund.

Profits over People: New Injustices in Papua New Guinea

In a dangerous step backwards, Papua New Guinea has prioritized profits over the rights of its citizens. “The new laws are meant to protect the interests of investors at the expense of the environment and the resource owners. The new laws are selling out the rights of the people.”

2009 Wrap-Up: Celebrating Achievements on the Global Front

In our sixteenth year of supporting grassroots environmental groups around the world, Global Greengrants Fund is proud to look back on 2009 as a year of landmark victories and worldwide recognition for the work of our grantees.

A Tribute to a Brilliant Activist: Remembering Glenn Switkes

Glenn Switkes, a longtime ally of Global Greengrants Fund and estimable activist, passed away last month. Glenn was passionately committed to defending the Amazon rainforest, rivers, and indigenous peoples, and is remembered fondly as “a river warrior with unbreakable passion.”

Native American Grantee Wins Battle over Mining Permit!

In a landmark victory for the Navajo and Hopi people of Black Mesa, Arizona, a coal mining permit for their lands was revoked this month.

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