Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Landmark Ruling for Indigenous in Brazil

After a 20-year legal struggle to secure their traditional lands, five indigenous groups who reside on the Raposa Serra do Sol reserve in the northern Brazilian state of Roraima are celebrating a momentous ruling that recognizes the demarcation and protec

Negative Impacts of Tree Plantations on Women

Greengrants Global Advisor, Friends of the Earth International (FOEI), and grantee, World Rainforest Movement, released a report in March detailing the impacts of monoculture tree plantations on women. See press release below.

New Zimbabwean Advisor, Mutuso Dhliwayo

In 2008, Mutuso Dhliwayo joined the Greengrants Southern Africa Advisory Board, filling the vacancy left by former Zimbabwean advisor, Leonard Maveneka.

Big Win for Activists in Romania!

Last week, the Romanian Supreme Court announced a decision to declare the Rosia Montana mountain with the highest gold reserves, Carnic Mountain, a cultural monument of national interest.

Conservation and Justice Groups Split over Forest Carbon Trading — Ghana

This is an interesting overview article in the Guardian that highlights some of the concerns with including tropical forests in carbon markets. One of our grantees in Ghana (Civic Response, grant number 50-592, 2004) is quoted.

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