Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Colombia: Afro-Colombians Protect Pacific Rain Forests

by Ben Wheeler, Greengrants Intern Afro-Colombians are a minority in a volatile country. They tend to be poor and live in violent regions rich in biodiversity and increasingly targeted by multinational corporations. Although they represent nearly one-third of Columbiaís population, Afro-Columbians hold little influence in politics and business. Activists like Libia Grueso and the Afro-Colombian […]

Philippines: Helping the Tasaday Map Their Lands

by Jessica Sherman, Greengrants Intern The story of the Tasaday people is a fascinating one, filled with intrigue and controversy. An indigenous people of the mountains of the South Cotabato Province of Mindanao in the Philippines, the Tasaday were officially “discovered” by the outside world in 1971. According to oral histories, the Tasaday fled to […]

Chet Wins Scrivner Award!

Greengrants executive director Chet Tchozewski wins award for creative philanthropy.

Brazil: Neighborhood Energy and Creativity in the Atlantic Forest

Vitae Civilis grantee Guapiruvú Neighborhood Association (AGUA) and stimulates sustainable economic growth in São Paulo’s poorest region.

Peru: Indigenous Machiguenga People Work to Influence Camisea Pipeline

The Machiguenga people of Peru share the Urubamba River basin with the Nahua, Yine, Kugapakori, and other indigenous peoples. They also now share their lands with a consortium of companies that have arrived to extract natural gas and build the Camisea Pipeline, which will carry natural gas across some of the most remote, sensitive, and biologically rich lands in Peru.

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