Tag: Right to Land Water and Resources

Great News for Cambodia’s Mekong River

Last month, the Cambodian government made the decision to postpone the construction of any new hydropower dams along the Mekong River for the next decade. This is a huge victory for activists working against the construction of new development projects, as well as the tens of thousands who rely on the river and its banks […]

Tune In: What to Watch Now

Every year, Global Greengrants Fund’s staff curates a syllabus of our favorite books, movies, and podcasts related to environmental and human rights issues. This year, we’ve decided to focus this year’s list on environmental and social justice themed films, whether you want to learn something new, want to be inspired, or need something for a […]

Turn Back the Dial: Community Radio and Water in Oaxaca, Mexico

dial back To lessen something, especially in intensity “To dial back the impacts of climate change, our grantees in Pinotepa, Mexico started a community radio program!” Water and climate change are inextricably linked. Humans need water to survive, yet rising global temperatures and a changing climate threaten access to clean water, increase the likelihood of […]

Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en

On February 6, 2020, just before 5:00am, Canada’s federal police force violently raided camps established by the Indigenous Wet’suwet’en in Northern British Columbia. Police smashed windows, dragged people out of vehicles, and attempted to prevent journalists from documenting the unfolding violence. Backed up with dog teams, assault rifles, and drones, officers threatened that anyone present […]

Victory in the Mekong Delta: The Power of Perseverance

One of the strengths of our grantmaking model is our ability to not only seed movements, but to continue to fuel them over time. Effective advocacy requires long term, sustained community organizing and leadership. And achieving crucial victories often requires prolonged investment and perseverance. In the case of the Mekong River, a river that flows […]

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