Tag: The Pacific Islands

Opposing Palm Oil Plantations

By: Jolie Dietzen, Greengrants Intern   NEW IRELAND ENVIRONMENT MONITORING AND AWARENESS COMMITTEE, ORO COMMUNITY NETWORK, GAVSONKEG WOMEN’S GROUP, OGAYO INTEGRATED CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, AND AHORA KAKANDETTA PEOPLES FOUNDATION — Greengrants has provided a grant to each of these organizations to combat the environmental devastation caused by the expansion of palm oil plantations. __________________________________ […]

Environmental Groups Win a Major Legal Battle in New Caledonia

On June 14, residents of New Caledonia won a major victory against a multinational nickel mining project when an administrative tribunal in Noum©a cancelled the mine’s license for operation.

Greengrants Passes the $10 Million Mark

In May of 2006, Greengrants awarded its $10,000,000th dollar in grants. That makes 2,754 grants made in 120 countries over 13 years.

Three Greengrants Grantees Win 2006 Goldman Prize

Three Greengrants grantees were among the six winners of the 2006 Goldman Environmental Prize, the world’s most respected award for environmentalists.

Fiji: Indigenous Women Defend Community and Environment

In September of 2005, women from rural and urban areas throughout the Macuata Province, Fiji, met to create a strategic, ten-year sustainable development plan. The three-day workshop was first time Fijian women had formally organized for the purpose of improving the socioeconomic and environmental health of their communities. As a result of the meeting, the Macuata […]

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