Tag: The Pacific Islands

Papua New Guinea: Kimbe Bay Community Sets Aside Marine Protection Areas

With the help of Greengrants funding, Mahonia Na Dari, a community-based organization in Papua New Guinea’s Kimbe Bay, has brought together community members, educators and international researchers to establish 23 protected marine areas. They have also started an education program so successful that Papua New Guineaís government integrated it into the national school curriculum. In […]

Highlights from the Greengrants Advisory Board Retreat

This past April, global and regional representatives of Greengrants’ network of advisors met in Amsterdam to share ideas, strategies and plans for the future.

Tuvalu: Protecting Vulnerable Coasts as Climate Changes

by Kim Lockrow, Global Greengrants Fund Intern For the people of Tuvalu, the threat of global climate change is already being felt as sea levels rise and storms gain in intensity, increasing coastal erosion and contaminating groundwater with salt. Some predict that the atoll, less than 15 feet at its highest point, could be unlivable […]

Philippines: Helping the Tasaday Map Their Lands

by Jessica Sherman, Greengrants Intern The story of the Tasaday people is a fascinating one, filled with intrigue and controversy. An indigenous people of the mountains of the South Cotabato Province of Mindanao in the Philippines, the Tasaday were officially “discovered” by the outside world in 1971. According to oral histories, the Tasaday fled to […]

Philippines: Arrest Gags Pesticide Research in the Philippines

by Michelle Wallar, Greengrants Intern Americans love bananas: banana splits, banana bread, banana smoothies, and just plain bananas. We import about 27 pounds annually for every American, according to Michael Jessen of AlterNet. And yet we often know little about the consequences of the pesticides used to grow bananas. The people who grow our bananas […]

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