Tag: The Pacific Islands

Aftermath of Cyclone Pam: report from Vanuatu

Cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu three weeks ago…and destroyed entire villages on the island of Erromango. About 10,000 people live on Erromango, the third largest island in Vanuatu. Because it is so sparsely populated, it is not high on the radar of big relief agencies. But overharvesting of sandlewood and extensive cattle and pig cultivation have […]

We Can’t Hold Back the Sea: A Woman’s Story of Climate Survival

Ursula Rakova’s island is disappearing into the sea. How will her community survive in the face of climate change? This is their story.

Restoring Fresh Water and People’s Health in Micronesia

A thick blanket of rainforest covers the Micronesian island of Pohnpei. Waterfalls pour over black basalt mountains. Though rivers seem plentiful, waterborne diseases have plagued people in the village of Kepirohi in southern Pohnpei. The problems started in the 1960s, when a religious trade school diverted its septic system into a local river. This contaminated […]

Update: From Protecting Marine Turtles to Creating Healthier Communities

This local organization’s work extends beyond the benefits of environmental protection; they are empowering indigenous populations to create healthier communities.

Protecting Marine Turtles in Papua New Guinea

The Leatherback Turtle is listed as endangered, but one Global Greengrants Fund grantee has found a way to curb its declining numbers.

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