Tag: The Pacific Islands

Te Tika Mataiapo Joins Greengrants Network

We are pleased to welcome Te Tika Mataiapo to the Greengrants Pacific Islands Advisory Board. Te Tika is the President of the Koutu Nui, a council of traditional leaders in the Cook Islands.

Interview with Cedric Schuster, Coordinator of Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board

Cedric Schuster is the Coordinator of Greengrants’ Pacific Islands Advisory Board and works as an environmental consultant in Samoa. Cedric recently visited our Boulder, Colorado office and shared his thoughts with us about challenges in the Pacific Islands.

Reclaiming and Preserving the Knowledge of Local Traditional Foods

Despite the islands of Micronesia being home to a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, local foods and crops have widely been displaced over the last three decades. As a result of islandersí growing dependence on imports such as rice and sugar, and the erosion of knowledge about local plants and their nutritional value, Micronesia […]

Update: Another Victory in New Caledonia

Environmental activists gained a further victory in New Caledonia when a French court ordered a halt to construction of the multi-billion dollar Goro nickel mine.

Interview with Lucille Apis Overhoff, New Greengrants Advisor

Greengrants’ new Pacific Islands advisor brings a broad range of experience as environmental activist, administrator and scholar, but also a lifetime of respect for “kepikipik kan ” — “the gift of creation.”

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