Tag: Women’s Environmental Action

India’s Dayamani Barla wins the first Ellen L. Lutz Indigenous Rights Award

Pioneering Indian journalist and indigenous activist Dayamani Barla will receive Cultural Survival’s first-ever Ellen L. Lutz Indigenous Rights Award on May 23 in recognition of her outstanding human rights work and dedication to indigenous people’s rights.

Women farmers: the invisible face of agriculture in India

Women manage every aspect of farm work, but are not considered farmers. They toil in the fields—planting, sowing, weeding, and harvesting—but are not landowners. But in fact, the majority of the female workforce in India is engaged in agriculture. Rucha Chitnis looks at gender inequality in the fields of India and how grantmakers should respond to create positive change.

Q&A: Terry Odendahl on what women’s rights have to do with the environment

In honor of International Women’s Day 2013, our outspoken Executive Director talks about the relationship between women’s rights and environmental activism, and why Global Greengrants Fund is prioritizing grantmaking with a gender lens.

Women in India: How grassroots groups are strengthening food security

This is the first in a four-part series on women’s role in agriculture in India. Rucha Chitnis is the South Asia Program Director of Women’s Earth Alliance and an advisor to Global Greengrants Fund. She recommends grants in Jharkhand and West Bengal.

12 Top Global Greengrants Successes of 2012

You know we always say your support makes a difference? As 2012 comes to a close, we’d like to share 12 of Global Greengrants Fund’s top success stories from the past year. Here are just some of the victories we celebrated in 2012.

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