Meet Our Partners

It takes more than one person, one organization, or one movement to make a difference in the future of our planet. That is why Global Greengrants Fund collaborates with partner organizations worldwide to promote our shared mission for a future in which all people live with dignity and in harmony with the environment.

350 uses online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public actions to oppose new coal, oil and gas projects, take money out of the companies that are heating up the planet, and build 100% clean energy solutions that work for all. 350’s network extends to 188 countries.

Agroecology Fund

The Agroecology Fund (AEF) is a multi-donor fund supporting agroecological practices and policies. The Fund aims to support viable food systems, promote the economic well-being and human rights of small farmers and their communities, and mitigate climate change through low input agriculture featuring sustainable soil and water use. It links organizations and movements that advance agroecological solutions locally, regionally and globally.

CLIMA Fund (formerly Grassroots Climate Solutions Fund)

The CLIMA Fund is a unique collaborative which was launched in 2016 by Global Greengrants FundGrassroots International, Thousand Currents, and Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism. The fund helps large funders to directly reach grassroots organizations and social movements that are working at the intersection of climate resilience and human rights. This global reach is possible thanks to the long-term relationships that each of the Fund members have developed with grassroots groups around the world. Learn more about CLIMA Fund here.

Earth Island Institute

Earth Island Institute is a hub for grassroots campaigns dedicated to conserving, preserving, and restoring the ecosystems on which our civilization depends. Earth Island acts as an umbrella organization, providing individual projects with the freedom to develop new initiatives by offering a wide range of professional services, from fiscal administration and program management to office space and equipment.

Environmental Defenders Collaborative

The Environmental Defenders Collaborative is a pooled fund to support environmental defenders worldwide in the face of rising levels of intimidation, criminalization, and threats.

Environmental Justice Fund

Environmental Justice Fund is an activist-driven, feminist NGO that provides support to environmental and climate justice organisations in South Africa.

Fondo Acción Solidaria

Fondo Acción Solidaria (FASOL) is a grantmaking partner organization based in Mexico which believes that an integrated approach to both social and environmental health is essential to the progress and development of communities. FASOL seeks to foster the engagement of grassroots, community-led groups to respond to challenges and to innovate local ideas that advance both the social and environmental health of their communities. The center of FASOL’s approach is to support the priorities of community groups acting for social and environmental change.

Fondo Socio-Ambiental CASA

CASA Socio-Environmental Fund is a South American fund that was created by regional environmental activists who identified an existing gap in funding to community-based groups to protect their territories and improve their livelihoods. Since 2005 CASA has mobilized over $10 million in support of 1,700 groups in ten South American countries. CASA has been a partner of Greengrants all these years, directing funding to Brazil’s influential grassroots environmental justice and indigenous peoples movements.

Fondo Tierra Viva

Fondo Tierra Viva accompanies grassroots groups and social movements in Central America in their efforts to access, defend, and strengthen local governance over community natural resources. They address the root challenges linking environmental degradation with poverty, political marginalization, and social injustice.  Fondo Tierra Viva seeks to increase small grant support to grassroots groups working on diverse environmental issues from community forest management, ecotourism, agroecology, responsible fisheries, renewable energy, water conservation, and local waste management.

Friends of the Earth International

Friends of the Earth International is a grassroots environmental network, uniting 75 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters around the world, Friends of the Earth campaigns on today’s most urgent environmental and social issues. They challenge the current model of economic and corporate globalization and promote solutions that will help to create environmentally sustainable and socially just societies.

Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action

The Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA) brings together the Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres, a Nicaragua-based regional women’s fund, Both ENDS, an independent, Dutch environmental justice NGO, and Mama Cash, an international women’s fund headquartered in the Netherlands. Strategic GAGGA partners include Global Greengrants FundProspera – International Network of Women Funds, and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

GAGGA provides funding support to national, regional, and global women’s rights environmental funds and organizations in more than 30 countries across Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe, prioritizing support to groups who are working at the local level and have limited access to funding. GAGGA supports these organizations and funds to strengthen their capacity for lobbying, advocacy and research on women’s rights and environmental justice. Global Greengrants Fund makes grants through GAGGA across 11 countries in Africa and participates in global strategic efforts to influence and educate philanthropy about the importance of women’s rights in relation to environmental justice.

Global South Plus

Global South + Program works to identify and support the most critical and effective environmental health and justice initiatives around the world that strengthen the global grassroots. Comprised of the Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives, Health Care Without Harm, International Pollutants Elimination Network, and Pesticides Action Network, the program leverages the knowledge and skills of nearly 1500 grassroots and public interest organizations to inform their grantmaking recommendations to the Jenifer Altman Foundation and Global Greengrants Fund.

The He Yi Institute

The He Yi Institute, grounded in Chinese philosophy that “humans and nature should be one; knowledge and action should be one,” helps grassroots environmental organizations strengthen their capacity to confront China’s most pressing environmental challenges. He Yi has mobilized support to grassroots environmental groups in China around environmental protection and pollution prevention, water conservation, coastal wetland protection, organizational effectiveness, and youth environmental leadership. He Yi Institute has partnered with some of China’s major foundations, helping them get resources to a dynamic landscape of local, independent organizations working to protect the environment throughout the country.

International Rivers

International Rivers works with an international network of dam-affected people, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, human rights advocates, and others who are committed to stopping destructive river projects and promoting better options. International Rivers seeks a world where healthy rivers and the rights of local communities are valued and protected. They envision a world where water and energy needs are met without degrading nature or increasing poverty and where people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

Oilwatch International

Oilwatch International is a network that builds solidarity and promotes a common identity in the peoples of the Global South seeking to stop the expansion of fossil fuel extraction activities that degrades territories, socially and environmentally.

Pesticide Action Network

Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America works to create a just, thriving food system. For too long, pesticide and biotech corporations have dictated how we grow food, placing the health and economic burdens of pesticide use on farmers, farmworkers, and rural communities. PAN works with those on the frontlines to tackle the pesticide problem — and reclaim the future of food and farming.


Global Greengrants and Prospera have established a cross-movement funding relationship to expand support for women engaged in environmental action at the grassroots level worldwide. Stemming from the August 2014 Summit on Women and Climate, Global Greengrants and Prospera leverage their extensive networks and relationships in over 167 countries to identify opportunities to advance work at the intersection of women and the environment. Through joint research, donor advocacy, technical assistance, and learning opportunities, Global Greengrants and Prospera promote movement building and generate greater visibility and resources for women-led environmental initiatives. To see results from our partnership click here.

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate, and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

The Samdhana Institute

The Samdhana Institute‘s vision is for a region where natural, cultural and spiritual diversity are valued and environmental conflicts are resolved peacefully, with justice and equity for all parties. Achieving this requires that communities directly manage their local natural resources, and that local and indigenous peoples have clear rights, ready recourse to justice, strong and skilled leadership, stable financial resources, and access to appropriate technical support.

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